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Amazing Sporting Adventures

A Team of Passionate and Committed Individuals

ROC creates space of safety and support. Our village consists of experienced, dedicated individuals.

Programming that Produces Measurable Results

Our programs set measurable objectives with built-in checkpoints to guarantee progress and impact.

Where Fun, Education, Mentorship, and Life Readiness Meet

To position our youth for success, we’ve developed a comprehensive approach that spans all facets of life.

Serving and Leading with Love, Awareness and Care

We work in step with community members, allowing them to guide and indicate opportunities for impact.

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Advice From the Experts


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  • Eaque ipsam quae ab illo inventore veritatis quasi quead

  • Accusantium dolore que laudantium totamrem periam

Tips from experts
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Our Instructors

Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas
CEO Founder
Simon Jolta
Simon Jolta
Senior Trainer
Bill Kennedy
Bill Kennedy
Senior Trainer
Tina Luyben
Tina Luyben
Senior Trainer